Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Shawshank Redemption

The Shawshank Redemption is one of my favorite movies and it was based of the writing of my favorite author Stephen King. This story represents the type of story that made Stephen King one of the most popular writers of our time. It is full and rich with a twisted darkness to it with one constant element; it could happen to anyone anytime anywhere. This movie makes you examine yourself. I consider that one of the most important points I consider when I decide what I think about a movie. I love film that makes me question basic questions about myself to identify with the protaganist that brings me to a better understanding of myself. In Shawshank, we see Andy Dufresne sentenced for the murder of his wife and another man while his wife was cheating on him with the aforementioned man. When we see Andy sentenced for the murder and brought to prison, we ask ourselves the first question, “Would I have killed them both?”. I answer the question yes and the movie continues. A new inmate hears about Andy’s trial and we find out that another man killed Andy’s wife and lover and got away. Andy didn’t deny it at the trial because the motive was there and Andy had a gun. You then ask yourself the second question, “What would I have done if I found my wife cheating on me, plan to kill her, decide I still love her and don’t want her dead, she is randomly killed by a wanted felon, and her murder got pinned on me and I went to jail for life?”. It would be a terrible terrible thing to happen but it could and that is why the story works and that is why it crawls inside your head. The Shawshank Redemption uses an incredible story and well developed characters to make you pull for Andy and share his joy when he crawls out on the other side of the wall.

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