Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Fight Club

Many guys when asked would reply that Fight Club is hands down the best movie ever made. I find that the film makes me feel excited. Every time I watch it the film gets a little more intense and more personal for me. I believe that is what Fight Club is about. Fight Club is so good and so popular because it touches something inside all of us. This movie was made solely to make the viewer feel empowered and enlightened in an anti-social, Brad Pitt makes a lot of sense, kind of way. Freud theorizes that most of our brain and being is made up of our subconscious mind and the id. The id or inner desire is the suppressed part of us as humans that this movie is directed at. The id is the deep instinctual part of our mind concerned only with food, sex, and aggression. Edward Norton and Brad Pitt were the only two people that could have pulled this movie off; Edward Norton plays a great sadistic schizoid and Brad Pitt is the man’s man embodiment of cool. Norton at the beginning of the film is pitiful and his depression and lack of drive is a common thing we all secretly worry about sliding into. His id reaches forward and asserts itself in the form of Brad Pitt who fears nothing, starts fighting clubs, then assembles and directs a militant nation/global wide group of terrorists. The plan is amazingly simple and could theoretically happen; destroy all financial records in America/The World and set all accounts back to $0.00. The rich would lose all and the poor would free and there would be anarchy. One specific note I made is to clarify when I earlier said the movie feels excited. The movie makes me feel that tingle and those butterflies in my stomach that I get before I fight. It is the feeling of the mind and body cycling up to do combat and it always feels good. As Tyler Durden reveals the plan that feeling always rises up in me and I believe that Freud was on to something. I believe the reason we all love the movie Fight Club is because we all want to fuck the system and deep down we want that combat and we want that release of inhibition. Fight Club delivers because it was cast perfectly and it identifies with every single human that watches it on a very deep, personal level. The message is to live your life for yourself and reexamine what is important in your life.

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