Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

Dr. Strangelove is a weird and twisted movie. It is disquieting to think about our government and military leaders in this light but the film is driven by logic and procedure that is eerily familiar as we learn more of our nation’s dark secrets. I believe that this movie serves the specific and important purpose to make people weary of the government. This movie uses lighting and setting to highlight how the love of power is what will kill us all in the end. The crux of the story is that too much power is given to individuals and bad things happen and that is the case. Can you imagine if the United States sent troops to storm say, Barksdale Air Force Base because a renegade general decided he wants there to be nuclear war. Dr. Strangelove plays on one of the greatest fears America has endured collectively as a nation. During the cold war every nation had nukes pointed at everyone else, Americans were well aware of this fact and were deathly afraid of the bomb. We see how it all could end, on a breakneck mission to bomb people we don’t really know. We have to be careful about who we let have the power. Our hope comes from people like Jimi Hendrix who said, “When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.”

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